Spanish Family Law

The service

GB Abogados provide a wide range of services to clients who require help with family related issues in Spain.

The service covers a wide spectrum of issues involving family members. Our English speaking solicitors are able to assist in circumstances where there is a family member in Spain.

Who we can help?

GB Abogados can assist clients residing in Spain and internationally with family related Spanish law. For instance,

Divorce Proceedings

GB Abogados can assist with a divorce between two people of different nationalities where one is residing in Spain. You may have been married in Spain and in this circumstance we can represent you in divorce proceedings in Spain.

Separation Agreement

We have represented many clients who have required a formal agreement in relation to separation. Often a couple move to Spain and after things don´t work out as planned, one party returns home. We can handle the whole process to ensure an agreement is reached.

Pre-nuptial Agreements

Many couples nowadays are agreeing to pre-nuptial agreements. This type of contract protects the pre-marriage assets of each individual. GB Abogados are able to draft such an agreement for parties of any nationality.

Financial or Property Settlements

We can arrange any type of financial or property related settlement. This might be part of a divorce or court judgement.

Cohabitation Agreements

If you would like to have an agreement drafted prior to living with your partner, we can draw up agreements t protect each party. The agreement can cover financial responsibities and possessions etc.

Child Access Arrangements

Our solicitors are experienced in negotiating child access agreements. This can often be quite a stressful and daunting task, particularly if you are dealing with it from another country. We can handle every elements of the arrangements to ensure an amicable agreement is reached.

Child Maintenance

GB Abogados also assist clients with child maintenance agreements. Our bi-lingual solicitors are well placed to assist clients of every nationality.

Child Custody

Negotiating child custody arrangements can often lead to court action. We are able to assist clients in any situation with regards to the custody of children.

Domestic violence

GB Abogados help both victims and accused with regards to incidents or allegations of domestic violence. This sensitive issue is handled with care and consideration by our family law team.

The process

The first step is to contact us to discuss your circumstances and requirements. We will offer our advice and a solution to your issue.

The initial stages of your case will involve collating relevant documents and taking statement of facts etc. If an agreement is sought, the next phase would involve negotiating with the other party.

A visit to Spain is not usually necessary, as we can draft a Power of Attorney that will provide us authority to act on your behalf.

This speeds up the process and can also reduce costs.

How we can help

Our team of English speaking solicitors are on hand to assist you every step of the way. We are used to dealing with clients from many different countries and we tailor our service to meet those needs.

If you would like to discuss your situation in confidence, with no-obligation, please don´t hesitate to contact us today.

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