Renting out your property in Spain


In light of recent high profile developments relating to tourism numbers in Spain, we are currently advising our clients to urgently ensure that their properties are correctly registered to allow holiday letting.

The government in the Balearic Islands has recently introduced some quite drastic measures to regulate private letting of properties and to limit the number of tourists on the islands.

You can read more about this here.

Other cities in Spain have recently experienced an increase in public disapproval of visitor numbers to their cities.

In particular residents in Barcelona feel that they are suffering from weight of numbers of visitors.


A significant part of the problem stems from the number of cruise ships visiting the city, but also the number of private properties being offered as holiday lets has added to the problem.

This in turn has led many locals finding it difficult to rent a property in which to live.

Property owners in the Balearic Islands who do not currently have a tourism licence for their property are now not likely to obtain one.

However, in other parts of Spain tourism licences are still being issued.

Many homeowners are renting their properties as tourist lets with the help of websites such as AirBnb.

It is important to ensure that the rentals are being offered within the law.

The fines for property owners illegally letting a property can run into thousands of euros.

If you rent your property and need help with obtaining a tourism licence, please don´t hesitate to contact us for a no obligation consultation.

Our accounts department has assisted many property owners with licence applications.

Once obtained our English speaking accountants can also help you prepare your quarterly tax returns in Spain. Running costs of the property and associated bills are used to offset your tax liabilities.

Contact us today to discuss your circumstances.

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