Data Protection in Spain

The data protection laws in Spain govern the management of files which contains personal details.

These details can be held by companies, sole traders, Government offices and other institutions that are in contact with consumers.

The specific law is the Organic Law 15/1999 and according to article 1, the objective is to protect personal data and avoid such issues as identity theft and fraud.

The most important point you may be aware of is that, when you fill in a form with your personal details and you sign it, you are giving your authorisation to the other party to keep and use your personal details in order to develop the service you are receiving.

Companies must be registered in the “Agencia Española de Proteccion de Datos” and fulfil all the requirements concerning protections of data in line with the law.

If they don´t take the security measures that the law state, the fines could be very high.

If you represent a Spanish company, or are registered as an autonomo in Spain and receive private details from consumers, you should register for data protection.

Doing so will avoid potential issues in the future.

If you would like to discuss how to GB Abogados can assist you with data protection registration, or any other legal or accountancy issue in Spain, please don´t hesitate to contact us.

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