March property statistics

The Spanish property statistics for the month of March 2017, show a very encouraging increase in the number of property sales throughout the country.

The data compiled from all of the land registries across Spain, shows an increase of nearly 27% compared to March 2016.

In March 2017 there was a total of 168,448 new inscriptions at the land registries in Spain.


This compares favourably with the 143,000 in March 2016.

This figures includes property sales, donations, exchanges, inheritance and partitions.

The largest proportion was property sales with 84,995 transactions.

The inheritance of properties accounted for 39,262 transactions.

Partitions/amendments totalled 39,235, while donations numbered 4,373 properties.

Exchanges of 583 complete the data.

The total transactions in Spain for the first quarter of 2017 show an accumulative increase of 9%.

With regards to property sales in March, 71,298 (nearly 84%) were relating to urban properties.

81.8% were property resales and 18.2% were new build properties.

Of the principle regions where foreign owners reside, the total transactions in Andalucia totalled 26,682, an increase of 9.1% from last year.


The Balearic Islands transactions were 5,028, increase of 28.6% from last year.

The Canary Islands transactions were 6,230, an increase of 10.5%.

Comunidad Valenciana figures were 21,851, an increase of 22.6% from last year.

The regions showing the biggest leaps were the northern regions of Galicia (49.5%) and Asturias (52%).

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