Consumer Law

GB Abogados are able to assist international clients in a wide variety of circumstances with regards to consumer related issues in Spain.

Some examples of the type of situation in which GB Abogados can assist are:

Product Liability

ff you have sustained injuries from a dangerous product in Spain, we can assist you. It may be that the product should have been recalled due to a design fault or defect.

Gascón Bernabéu can assist you if you have suffered due to a faulty, dangerous or defective product in Spain.

Warranty Claims

If you have purchased a product in Spain and need to make a claim under warranty we can assist you to ensure you can claim your rights.

Medicinal Claims

When you take medication you do so with the expectation that it is doing you good and will improve your situation.

It is not expected that the drug will create additional health problems.

If a drug has been made available to the public with flawed testing or manufacturing problems it can lead to serious problems for those individuals taking the drug.

In some cases the drug may not be suitable for certain individuals, but this has not been made clear.

Consumers should not have to worry that medicinal products are potentially dangerous.

If you have experienced problems with any medicine or drug, please contact us today for a no obligation consultation.


If you believe that you have been the victim of any type of fraud, whether it is online or not, contact us today.

Depending upon the circumstances, Gascón Bernabéu will advise you on your best course of action. This could be criminal proceedings or claims against companies or insurers.

Companies in Administration

If you have paid for goods or services in Spain and the company has subsequently gone bust prior to you receiving your product or service, we may be able to assist you.

Depending upon the situation, it is likely that you can be added as a creditor of the company via the Administrator.

Important points to consider

If you believe that you have any type of consumer related claim, there are certain points that you should keep in mind in order to give yourself the best possible chance of a successful claim:

  • Take photographs if possible
  • Receive medical attention if you have suffered an injury
  • Keep all related documents, packaging, receipts, warranty etc.
  • If there are witnesses make sure you have their details
  • Keep all receipts for expenses
  • Write an account of what happened while it is fresh in your mind

How we can help you

If you believe that you have a claim in Spain, GB Abogados can review your circumstances and assess whether you have a case to pursue.

We offer no-obligation consultations with our bi-lingual team of consumer law specialists. 

Contact us today to see how we can help you.

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