Traffic offences in Spain

Recent statistics detailing accidents and casualties on the roads in Spain, show quite an alarming increase.

Only 2 weeks ago, a drink driver drove into a group of six cyclists on the N-332 near Denia, Spain. The accident killed two of the cyclists and left the others in serious condition in hospital.

The General Directorate of Traffic has announced much tougher measures and vastly increased roadside controls to try to curb the problem.

The police roadside controls will be particularly prevalent at the weekends.

The punishment for drink driving is also going to be more severe, with repeat offenders facing driving bans and potentially assessment prior to being allowed back on the roads.

The number of accidents in the last few years has nearly doubled and in the last decade over 400 cyclists have been killed on Spain’s roads.

Generally, the penalties for all kind of traffic offences in Spain have increased in recent years.

What are the fines for traffic offences in Spain?

The fines imposed for traffic offences are generally divided into 3 categories:

Minor offence €100.00

Serious offence €200.00

Very serious offence €500.00

The fines apply throughout Spain regardless of the police force that imposes it.

What are the penalties for speeding?

Speeding fines are graded depending upon the maximum speed on the road and the speed in which the motorist was caught.

Speed limit 30 km/h

Driving between 31 km/h – 50 km/h €100.00 fine

Driving between 51 km/h – 60 km/h €300.00 fine

Driving between 61 km/h – 70 km/h €400.00 fine

Driving between 71 km/h – 80 km/h €500.00 fine

Above 81 km/h €600.00 fine

Speed limit 60 km/h

Driving between 61 km/h – 90 km/h €100.00 fine

Driving between 91 km/h – 110 km/h €300.00 fine

Driving between 111 km/h – 120 km/h €400.00 fine

Driving between 121 km/h – 130 km/h €500.00 fine

Above 131 km/h €600.00 fine

Speed limit 100 km/h

Driving between 101 km/h – 130 km/h €100.00 fine

Driving between 131 km/h – 150 km/h €300.00 fine

Driving between 151 km/h – 160 km/h €400.00 fine

Driving between 161 km/h – 170 km/h €500.00 fine

Above 171 km/h €600.00 fine

Speed limit 120 km/h

Driving between 121 km/h – 150 km/h €100.00 fine

Driving between 151 km/h – 170 km/h €300.00 fine

Driving between 171 km/h – 180 km/h €400.00 fine

Driving between 181 km/h – 190 km/h €500.00 fine

Above 191 km/h €600.00 fine

The punishments also include a points penalty. Drivers with Spanish driving licences start with a balance of 12 points.

Unlike in some other countries (such as the UK) points are deducted rather than accrued.

Penalty deductions for speeding offences range from a 2 point deduction up to 6 point deduction.

What are the punishments for drink driving?

The acceptable level of alcohol consumption when driving in Spain has gradullay been reduced over the past few years.

Now the limit is 0.25 mg/l and just 0.15 mg/l for new drivers with under 2 years experience or professional drivers of vehicles over 3.5 tonnes.

The punishments for drink drivers ranges between a fine of €500.00 – €1,000.00 and points deductions for Spanish driving licence holders.

Driving bans of up to 4 years can be imposed.

Motorists caught with a confirmed reading above 0.6 mg/l are likely to be arrested and subject to criminal proceedings.

If you have any questions in relation to this article or have been charged with a motoring offence, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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